Shall We Chen?

Another year, another round. Mods Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are back to offer you more Kim Jongdae content, just one click away. Come on out... we've got a city to burn.

About Alley

You know the deal already. If not, welcome to Shall We Chen? fictional fest. In this city everyone is welcomed, both artists and writers. This is our second strike and we're not full enough having Kim Jongdae content. If you were looking for quality content, congratulations. This is the signal you were waiting for, this is your place.

Schedule Street

These are some important dates to know. Note that every change in our schedule will be properly notified on our social media (anyway, if you missed something, you can always drop a message to the mods.) Read carefully and proceed as you wish.

PROMPTING PERIOD: March 1 - 19th


FIRST CHECK-IN: May 15 - 17th

SECOND CHECK-IN: July 9 - 11th

SUBMISSIONS: August 20 - 22nd


Rules Avenue

As much as we can refuse some authority, rules are necessary sometimes. Don't try to be a hero: these are NOT made to be broken.

Every piece of fanwork must be focused on Chen.

Tag responsibly, even if it can lead to spoilers.

Non-con/dub-con, pedophilia, bestiality, or incest are not allowed.

Plagiarism won’t be tolerated.

Self-prompting is welcomed (for both fanfiction and fanart.)

We won't allow Chen x OC as main pairing fanwork.

Our minimum word count is 1.5k.

Remember to stay anonymous until reveals! It’s part of the fun.

FAQ Plaza

Before you have a question, we already have the answer. Or at least to the most common ones. If you can't find yours here, remember that our socials are open anytime. Like this one, for example.

About tagging

We want to create a comfortable space for everyone who wants to participate. Having that in mind please be responsible and remember to tag correctly your works. We can’t stress this enough, please tag responsibly.

About extensions

Don’t hesitate to ask if you are in need of one! However, we would appreciate that you ask us as soon as you feel like you need one, remember the sooner you ask for one the better.

About dropping the fest

Life is a b**** isn’t it? We totally get it! If you are planning on dropping the fest please let us know as soon as you can, so your prompt can be available once again.

Are past members and Chen pairings with members of other groups accepted?

Yes, of course, to both of those questions.

About cross-prompting

If you are not the original creator of the prompt you want to cross prompt then said prompt won’t be accepted. Period. However, if you are the original owner of said prompt and you have the permission of the other fest/challenge where you posted it first, we will accept it. We will ask you for proof - a screenshot will do - of the other platform granting you said permission. Also, we will write a disclaimer on the prompt vault stating where said prompt was prompted first.

About check-ins and word count

In case you are unaware, check-ins are the way for us mods, to know how our participants and their works are doing, do not worry if you are inexperienced and this sounds tricky, once you receive our first email you’ll understand!

Our fest has two check-ins, the first one is absolutely informal, just the mods wanting to know how you are doing and if you still want to participate.

Now, the second comes with a requirement: the word count. The final word count for your fanfiction must be 1.5k or above that, so during the second check-in we will ask you to have 1k words ready. We will also request to attach your work to your reply to see how you are doing. As simple as that.

For fan artists, we haven’t forgotten about you! We understand that word count doesn’t apply for you (lucky you), however the check-ins are the same for you as for writers. On the check-ins we will require an update of your progress and an interest check, to see if you are still here with us.

About claiming

First come, first served, as simple as that! If someone claims your first option sooner than you, you'll get your second.

About postings

We post fanfiction having three factors in mind: pairing, length and submission date. If you submit your work early chances are that you’ll get posted earlier too, but don’t hope for the first day. We would love to give you all the first day of postings, but we have to consider the other two factors too to make the posting season as assorted and fun for everyone as possible.

About co-authorship

We will ask you to make us “shallwechenfest” co-authors on your fanfiction once you submit it to Ao3. There is one reason for this; to change the date of publication from the day you submitted it to the day it got posted, instead of asking you all to change it one by one.

That 's it. We won’t change a single word, comma, tag or sentence from your work. As soon as your fic is posted and we change the day on Ao3 we will remove ourselves from the co-authorship, as it should be.

About cross-posting

Please do not crosspost your fanwork until reveals are over. After that you are welcomed to post it wherever you want!

And now?

Now that you're informed is up to you what'll be your next move. Join us... or leave this place in flames. Shall We Chen? we'll be always a city for soondingies.